
Décryptage de la pyramide olfactive

Decryption of the olfactory pyramid

Introduction: What is the olfactory pyramid? Today, we dive into the heart of the art of perfumery to decipher a key element: the olfactory pyramid. Often considered as the basis...

Decryption of the olfactory pyramid

Introduction: What is the olfactory pyramid? Today, we dive into the heart of the art of perfumery to decipher a key element: the olfactory pyramid. Often considered as the basis...

10 conseils pour bien choisir son parfum

10 tips for choosing the right perfume

Just for once, this article includes my video “How to choose the right perfume” available on my networks. Many of you ask me for advice on choosing your perfume. We...

10 tips for choosing the right perfume

Just for once, this article includes my video “How to choose the right perfume” available on my networks. Many of you ask me for advice on choosing your perfume. We...

Les parfums inspirés par la nature : une ode à la beauté de notre environnement

Perfumes inspired by nature: an ode to the beau...

Perfumery has always been closely linked to nature, drawing on the botanical riches of our environment to create captivating and timeless fragrances. Today, as environmental concerns are at the heart...

Perfumes inspired by nature: an ode to the beau...

Perfumery has always been closely linked to nature, drawing on the botanical riches of our environment to create captivating and timeless fragrances. Today, as environmental concerns are at the heart...

Les parfums et la mémoire : comment les odeurs peuvent-elles déclencher des souvenirs ?

Perfumes and memory: how can smells trigger mem...

When we are walking through a crowd and suddenly a familiar smell hits us, we are overcome by a wave of memories. Fragrances have a unique power to trigger memories...

Perfumes and memory: how can smells trigger mem...

When we are walking through a crowd and suddenly a familiar smell hits us, we are overcome by a wave of memories. Fragrances have a unique power to trigger memories...

Homme, femme, mixte : les parfums sont-ils genrés ?

Men, women, mixed: are perfumes gendered?

Perfumery, a true universal olfactory art, has spanned the centuries as a symbol of luxury, seduction and personal identity.

Men, women, mixed: are perfumes gendered?

Perfumery, a true universal olfactory art, has spanned the centuries as a symbol of luxury, seduction and personal identity.

Le layering de parfums

Perfume layering

Welcome to the enchanting world of perfumes, where each note tells a unique story and each fragrance evokes a special emotion. If you're ready to add a personal touch to...

Perfume layering

Welcome to the enchanting world of perfumes, where each note tells a unique story and each fragrance evokes a special emotion. If you're ready to add a personal touch to...